Although this tear-jerker happened a year ago, I never cease to be amazed at the humanity of this moment. Bunny, a two-legged dog will overwhelm you with her excitement, her little tail wagging furiously as she walks along the human aisle of workers in a Mercedes Benz showroom. At the end of it lies her ultimate prize, a set of wheels customized by Mercedes Benz giving her the freedom to walk and run again. Grab a tissue when you see the video at the end of this article because you’re going to need it.
Meet Bunny, The Pup with No Hind Legs

The story of Bunny goes back to April 2023, when Henry Friedman first showcased her condition on an Instagram page called @keepingfinn. Friedman, a rescue worker associated with the organization “The Animal Pad”, found the then 2-year-old pup missing her hind legs and wandering on the streets of Mexico City.
Spotted By Angels in Disguise
According to Friedman, Bunny’s owner played soccer with his friends nearby. The man was unconcerned about the dog’s plight, so Friedman intervened.
“When we first showed up, the dog owner was playing soccer with his buddy,” Henry Friedman, a dog rescuer, said in a video on Instagram. “All while his dog was wasting away on the ground. Not a care in the world.”
Bunny is Rescued

Bunny was then taken by Friedman and Animal Pad to see a vet who examined her. The dog was suffering from a larva and tick infestation. She also had dog bite marks all over her body, particularly her face which was swollen. Unfortunately, the doctors noted her hind legs were completely paralyzed, which meant she would never walk again.
Taken to California for Surgery
Friedman and Animal Pad then took Bunny off her callous owner’s hands. It transported the dog to “Shelter for Soldier”, an animal shelter in California which hosts a specialized unit to care for dogs like Bunny. She received additional treatment and underwent surgery to initiate the healing process and recovery.
Bunny Goes Viral on Social Media

Once in their care, Friedman posted on the Instagram page @keepinfinn showcasing a video of Bunny. He explained her plight and how she was finally rescued, hoping for people to come forward to assist in her aid. One comment somehow stood out and changed Bunny’s life; it said: “This dog deserves the Mercedes-Benz of wheelchairs.”
This gave Friedman the idea to contact the company, asking if they would sponsor Bunny a set of wheels. Now, who on earth could refuse such a heartfelt request, especially after seeing the cute furball who, despite not having hind legs, was a regular hippity hoppity Bunny?
Mercedez Benz Steps in With an Amazing Gift

Mercedes Benz was delighted with Friedman’s idea. They then collaborated with Eddie’s Wheels, a company specializing in customized dog wheelchairs. On D-Day, Bunny was taken to the Mercedes Benz showroom, where employees lined up to cheer for the fur baby as she excitedly made her way to the fantastic new wheelchair, complete with wheels that sported the iconic Mercedes Benz logo. Behind it said, “Bunny’s Benz.”
The beautiful moment is indescribable, with Bunny so ecstatic that her tail almost wagged off. Watch the video to get that incredible warmth creep into your heart and tell us what you think of this excellent gesture by Mercedes.
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