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Baby Rhino Receives World-Class and World-First Operation Involving 10 Vets and Lasting 5 Hours

rhino operation
Screenshot from "Baby Rhino Sports Cast as Vets Men Broken Leg in World-First", Uploaded: The Independent, Source: YouTube

A groundbreaking veterinary operation has successfully brought Amara, a southern white rhino, back to her feet. This procedure involved 10 vets working over five hours with techniques never used on rhinos before, making it both a world-class and world-first operation. Amara’s journey to recovery offers an inspiring example of how veterinary care is advancing for exotic animals.

What Was Wrong with Amara’s Leg?

Screenshot from “Baby Rhino Sports Cast as Vets Men Broken Leg in World-First”, Uploaded: The Independent, Source: YouTube

Amara, born in 2022 at Knowsley Safari Park in the UK, began limping on her right front leg earlier this year. After radiographs were taken, vets discovered a fracture in her ulna, a bone near her wrist joint. This injury was unlike anything seen before in rhinos, making it a rare challenge. The seriousness of the situation is further compounded by the species’ endangered status, in other words the operation that followed wasn’t just about Amara – it’s also about her species’ survival.

Applying Horse Surgery Techniques to a Rhino

Screenshot from “Baby Rhino Sports Cast as Vets Men Broken Leg in World-First”, Uploaded: The Independent, Source: YouTube

With limited research available for rhino fractures, the team of specialist equine surgeons drew on their knowledge of operating on horses. This strategy was necessary, as there were no documented cases of similar injuries in rhinos. While rhinos are similar to horses in some ways, the surgery required unique adaptations to accommodate Amara’s size and condition.

Keyhole Surgery and a 10-Vet Team

White baby rhino.
White baby rhino. Image by Valentina Storti, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A total of 10 veterinary professionals, including surgeons, anesthetists, and nurses, came together for this five-hour operation. Using keyhole surgery, they carefully positioned a camera inside Amara’s joint, giving them a clear view of the affected area. This technique was pivotal to completing the complex procedure. Thankfully, the operation was successful, and the vets are now vetted with experience for future injuries like this one.

Cast and Post-Surgery Recovery

Screenshot from “Baby Rhino Sports Cast as Vets Men Broken Leg in World-First”, Uploaded: The Independent, Source: YouTube

After surgery, Amara’s leg was placed in a full limb cast, much like what is used for humans. For the next four weeks, she remained in her enclosure, where her keepers ensured she had minimal movement. Her living area was padded with rubber mats and straw to make recovery more comfortable.

Rhino Mom Making Her Baby Feeling Safe

White rhino in Lake Nakuru
White rhino in Lake Nakuru. Image by ryan harvey from Portland, OR, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Amara’s mother, Meru, played a key role in her recovery by staying nearby during the entire process. Keeping mother and calf together helped Amara feel calm and safe, reducing stress during the challenging post-surgery period. This bond was essential for Amara’s comfort and overall healing.

Aided by Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

White Rhinoceros crossing road in Southern African savanna
White Rhinoceros crossing road in Southern African savanna. Image by Binty via Depositphotos.

The veterinary team injected Amara’s joint with platelet-rich plasma, a solution made from her blood, to help accelerate healing. This technique, which promotes tissue repair, added another innovative layer to her care. Despite the uncertainty, the vets were optimistic about her recovery with this additional treatment.

Back on Her Feet After 27 Weeks

Northern White Rhino
Northern White Rhino. Karimi Ngore, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Amara’s journey back to full health took about 27 weeks. After the cast was removed, she gradually regained her ability to walk and was able to rejoin the rest of the rhinos at Knowsley Safari. Animal lovers from around the world can let out a sigh of relief, both for Amara’s sake and for the survival of the rhinocerus species.

How Many White Rhinos Are Left in the World?

White rhino
Image by Glen Carrie via Unsplash

There are about 18,000 southern white rhinos remaining in the wild, thanks to successful conservation efforts. However, northern white rhinos are critically endangered, with only two individuals left. Conservationists continue working to protect southern white rhinos while also trying to prevent the extinction of their northern relatives.

Why Are They So Endangered?

African black rhino
African black rhino. Image by storyteller2k20 via Depositphotos

White rhinos face severe threats due to poaching, driven by the high demand for their horns in the black market. Rhino horns are falsely believed to have medicinal properties in some cultures, particularly in parts of Asia, which fuels this illegal trade. Additionally, habitat loss from human activities like agriculture and urban expansion reduces the land available for these rhinos to roam and find food.