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Pregnant Pitbull Abandoned and Alone till Her Life Takes a Touching Turn

Pregnant Pitbull roaming around all by herself.
Pregnant Pitbull roaming around all by herself. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: The Dodo.

Megan, a dedicated dog rescuer, couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw a very pregnant pit bull wandering the streets alone. The dog’s coat was dirty, and she seemed exhausted from carrying her soon-to-arrive puppies. Megan’s heart went out to this mama-to-be, realizing the difficult journey she faced without a safe place to give birth. Knowing the urgency of the situation, Megan felt a strong sense of responsibility to help.

A Plan to Help the Expectant Mama Dog

Pregnant Pitbull mama dog.
Pregnant Pitbull mama dog. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: The Dodo

Megan immediately started planning how to rescue the mama dog. She knew it would be challenging, as the dog was cautious and hesitant to approach anyone. She tried using pieces of chicken to lure her, hoping to gain her trust. However, the mama dog was wary and kept her distance, making it clear that she wouldn’t come willingly. But Megan wasn’t about to give up.

Waiting for the Puppies’ Arrival

Megan sets up a trap to catch the mama dog.
Megan sets up a trap to catch the mama dog. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: The Dodo.

Since the mama dog remained elusive, Megan realized she might have to wait until after the puppies were born. She hoped that by tracking the mama dog, she could find her puppies and make sure they were safe. Megan decided to try a new approach: set a trap, so she could attach a tracker to the dog’s collar. This way, even if she couldn’t catch her, she could follow her movements.

Setting the Trap with Care and Patience

Mama dog inside the trap.
Mama dog inside the trap. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: The Dodo.

Megan carefully prepared the trap, placing pieces of chicken inside a large dog cage, hoping the tempting scent would draw the mama dog in. After hours of waiting, the hungry mama dog finally ventured inside, and Megan quickly and gently secured her. She then placed a small tracking device on the dog’s collar, which would allow Megan to see where she went. As difficult as it was, Megan had to let the mama dog go, trusting the tracker would lead her to the puppies.

Following the Mama Dog to Her Hidden Nest

A tracker device is attached to the mama's collar.
A tracker device is attached to the mama’s collar. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: The Dodo.

Once free, the mama dog went on her way, and Megan followed her every move via the tracker on her phone. Soon, Megan saw that the dog was heading to a specific location: an old shed near a house. She watched as the dog disappeared under the shed, where she had made a makeshift nest for her puppies. With relief and excitement, Megan knew she’d found the place where the mama dog had given birth.

Rescuing the Puppies and Keeping Them Safe

Mama dog goes inside a shed.
Mama dog goes inside a shed. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: The Dodo

With a few helping hands, Megan returned to the shed to rescue the little family. She carefully removed each puppy, keeping them warm and safe. The mama dog watched closely, trusting Megan as she gently gathered her babies. Megan’s team ensured every pup was healthy and brought them to a safe shelter, where they could grow strong before finding their forever homes.

Finding a Loving Family for Each Pup

Mama Pitbull's rescued puppies.
Mama Pitbull’s rescued puppies. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: The Dodo.

Thanks to Megan’s determination, all of the puppies found caring adoptive homes. Their new families adored them, and each pup started a happy life full of love and comfort. Megan couldn’t have been more thrilled to see these tiny lives blossom into joyful pets with families who cherished them.

A Happy Ending for the Mama Dog, Too

Mama dog with an adopted family.
Mama dog with an adopted family. Source: Instagram. Uploaded: thedodo

Not only did the puppies find new homes, but the mama dog did too. She was adopted by a loving family who understood her gentle and brave heart. In her new home, she finally experienced the love and security she had always deserved.

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