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Fisherman Being Chased by a Huge Alligator

fisherman chased by alligator
Image by @Python Johnson via Youtube

Fishing is meant to be a relaxing activity. It should give you a peaceful moment to simply enjoy nature. That was not the experience of this fisherman – understandably so, it’s kind of difficult to relax if you are chased by an alligator.

How Fast Are Alligators?

Alligator hiding under water line. Image via Depositphotos

Alligators are not just powerful predators; they are also surprisingly fast. On land, an alligator can reach speeds up to 11 miles per hour over short distances. However, it’s in the water where they truly excel. Here, they can swim as fast as 20 miles per hour!

So while this fisherman probably saw his life flash before his eyes, he’s lucky to not have come eye to eye with the alligator in water.

Do Alligators See Humans as Prey?

American Alligator. Image by Donald W DeLoach Jr, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Generally, alligators do not view humans as prey. They prefer to hunt smaller animals that they know they can easily overpower.

But, alligators are opportunistic feeders after all – so if they see something that looks snack-worthy, chances are they’ll take a chance. If you know you’re in an alligator-infested area (and especially if you’re fishing) keep a look out at all times.

Did You Know Alligators Are the Loudest Reptiles in the World?

The lion is iconically known for its roar, but few people know that the alligator is the world’s loudest reptile. 

They can produce a bellow that reaches up to 90 decibels! For comparison, a human screaming at the top of its lungs measures around 70 decibels.

When they scream like this, it’s to attract mates or establish territory.

While Meat Is Their Fave, They Also Snack on Fruit

While we usually associate alligators with their ferocious and powerful jaws, their diet includes more than meat. 

It’s true that meat is their favorite food but they also much on fruit and berries from time to time. This behavior is not just incidental; it plays a role in their ecosystem by helping to disperse seeds. 

Let’s quickly explore the physical features of the alligator…


Happy gator on land relaxing after a meal. Image via Depositphotos.

Alligators have tough, scaled skin.


Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

Their eyes are positioned on top of their heads. This lets them see above water while being submerged.


Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

Alligators have sharp, conical teeth.


Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

Alligators have powerful jaws with a strong bite force.


Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

An alligator’s tail is muscular and used for swimming and defense.


Pythons Decimate Massive Alligator
An American alligator and a Burmese python struggle in Everglades National Park. Photo by: Lori Oberhofer, U.S. National Park Service.

Alligators have short, sturdy legs with webbed feet.


An large alligator look up the see if there are any food ready, with the sharp teeth via DepostiPhotos
An large alligator look up the see if there are any food ready, with the sharp teeth. Image via Depostiphotos

Their nostrils are located on top of their snouts.


Alligator Saltwater crocodile hiding under water line. Image via Depositphotos

Alligators have small, slit-like ears that close when submerged.


Young alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

Alligators’ backs are covered with bony plates called scutes.


An large alligator look up the see if there are any food ready, with the sharp teeth via DepostiPhotos
An large alligator look up the see if there are any food ready, with the sharp teeth via Depositphotos

The belly of an alligator is softer and less armored than the back.


Pythons Decimate Massive Alligator
In this battle of alligator versus Python, unfortunately, pythons are the winner. If it would be the other way round, there could be an easy way to eliminate these invasive pythons. Image via Everglades Safari Park Website.

Alligators come in different sizes. The adults grow to between 10 to 15 feet in length.


Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

Alligators have a dark, greenish-brown coloration.


Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

Alligators have broad, rounded snouts, distinguishing them from crocodiles.

Webbed Feet

Close up view of an alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

Their webbed feet help them swim efficiently.


Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

Alligators have sharp claws on their feet.

Fisherman Chased by Alligator: Conclusion

Young alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

Find the link to the video here!

I’m not too intrigued by fishing to begin with, but this frightening footage makes me even more weary of it. While we can conclude that alligators are definitely astounding animals, I’d much rather admire them from a distance (a very, very long distance.)

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