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Rescue Tiger Maruay Happily Floating with His Ball in Thailand

Maruay floating on ball in thailand
Maruay floating on his ball. Screenshot from YouTube Video by MustShareNewsSG.

Enjoy this moment of pure joy where Maruay the tiger floats with his ball! 

Blissful Tiger

Screenshot from Tiger Floats With Red Ball At Thailand Wildlife Centre. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: MustShareNews

When looking at this video it is hard to believe that all Maruay the tiger knew was a concrete floor and a small cage a mere 18 months ago. Now he is blissfully floating around on a big red ball at the Tiger Rescue Centre at Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT).

Playful Youngster

Screenshot from Tiger Floats With Red Ball At Thailand Wildlife Centre. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: MustShareNews

Where they describe Maruay as a playful youngster always on the explore. With a soft spot for coconuts – not to eat of course, but to play with! But his coconut days are now over – as he received a big red ball to play with!


Bengal Tiger
Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) in Madhya Pradesh, India. Image by Suhel Quader, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Maruay, a male Bengal tiger, was rescued along with 10 other tigers from the inhumane wildlife tourism trade in Phuket, Thailand.


Tiger. Image via Depositphotos.

These tigers were exploited for profit and human enjoyment in captivity – being forced to pose for photos and partake in animal shows. Having suffered years of abuse, both physical and emotional, these tigers are now safe at the WFFT Tiger Rescue Center.

Taste of Freedom

Bengal tiger. Chinese New Year 2022 simbol. Beautiful bengal tigers at zoo. Image via Depositphotos.

Although these tigers would not be able to be released into the wild after years of captivity, they now reside on 17 acres of near-natural habitat. In their new home, they can run freely, scratch, and claw at trees. And of course, partake in Marauy’s favorite activity – swimming in a massive lake. 

Enrichment Activities Role In Animal Welfare

Scary looking male royal bengal tiger staring towards the camera from inside the jungle. Image via depsoitphotos

Enrichment activities, like Maruay’s favorite floating ball, play a crucial role in the mental and physical well-being of rescued animals. These activities keep the animals engaged and active. For Maruay, the ball provides both entertainment and a means to exercise, crucial for his overall rehabilitation.

The Rescuers

bengal tiger
A Bengal Tiger. Image via unsplash

The Wild Friends Foundation Thailand is an NGO founded in 2001 that makes a nationwide effort to save domesticated and captive wild animals. They have many animal rescue and rehabilitation projects like the Tiger Rescue Center where Maruay and his friends stay.

A Better Future

Bengal Tiger in forest show head faces fierce. Image via depositphotos

Among their long list of goals, is to change the habits of international tourists in Thailand. Especially those who unknowingly support the illegal trade and exploitation of Thailand’s wildlife. 

Some Tips on How to Enjoy Thailand’s Wildlife Kindly

Scary looking male royal bengal tiger staring towards the camera from inside the jungle. Image via depsoitphotos
  • Don’t take photos with animals and wildlife used as props, visit animal shows, elephant camps, tiger temples and petting zoos.
  • Only visit animal rescue or rehabilitation centers (do your research!).
  • Don’t purchase animal souvenirs such as tiger or snake wine, bush meat, ivory and other animal products. No buying means less killing. 
  • Spread the news!

Collaborative Efforts in Wildlife Conservation

Bengal Tiger
Tiger, Angry bengal tiger. Image via depositphotos

The successful rescue and ongoing care of Maruay highlight the importance of collaboration among various organizations. Local wildlife authorities, international conservation groups, and dedicated volunteers all contribute to the mission. These collective efforts ensure that animals like Maruay receive the care and protection they need.

The Impact of Rescue Stories on Public Awareness

bengal tiger
Hollingsworth, John and Karen, retouched by Bengal Tiger. Image by Zwoenitzer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Stories like Maruay’s rescue have a significant impact on raising public awareness about wildlife conservation. They highlight the challenges faced by endangered species and the efforts required to protect them. Public support and awareness are critical for the continued success of conservation initiatives.

The Video

Screenshot from Tiger Floats With Red Ball At Thailand Wildlife Centre. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: MustShareNews
YouTube video
Tiger Floats With Red Ball At Thailand Wildlife Centre. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: MustShareNews

Floating away

Bengal tiger
Female tiger, Bubbly swimming at Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan, India. Image by Koshy Koshy from New Delhi, India, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This adorable video of Marauy the Tiger experiencing pure joy floating on his ball is a wonderful example of what kindness to wildlife does. Let all of us remember to be kind to animals, and not support trades that cause them harm.

More Animal News

tiger cub
Young siberian/bengal tiger, captive. Image by via

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