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Montana Reporter has Hilarious Reaction To Approaching Massive Bison Herd in Yellowstone – He Fled..

Watch Viral Reporter’s Hilarious Reaction To Approaching Bison
Reporter’s Hilarious Reaction To Approaching Bison. Image by CNN via YouTube

This may be the first viral video of a man being afraid of bison! Instead of trying to take a selfie with the bison as tourists have done in the past, this reporter is cautious of their presence and removes himself from the close encounter. As hilarious as this video may be, it also serves an important lesson to us that wild animals need their space. We need to respect them to live in harmony together.

Let’s take a closer look at the bisons behavioral traits and why we should never approach them.

Reporter Encounters Bison Herd at Yellowstone

Screenshot via CNN, youtube.

A Montana television reporter was filming at Yellowstone National Park when he noticed a herd of bison approaching. His quick reaction to the situation was captured on video.

Moment Caught on Camera

wood bison
Wood bison bull. Arthur T. LaBar from Central Kentucky, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The reporter’s immediate response to the sight of the bison was to exclaim, “H*** no,” before retreating to his car. This candid reaction added a humorous touch to the incident.

Seeking Safety in His Car

Image by Nick Dunlap via Unsplash

Once inside his vehicle, the reporter continued to film the bison from a safe distance. His quick thinking ensured both his safety and the capture of the moment on camera.

National Park Services Respond

Screenshot via CNN, youtube.

In response to the viral video, the National Park Services issued a reminder about social distancing, emphasizing the importance of staying at least 300 feet away from large wildlife.

Importance of Wildlife Safety

Image by Nicolas Petit via Pexels

The incident highlighted the necessity of maintaining a safe distance from wildlife in national parks to avoid potential dangers and disturbances to the animals.

Social Media Reactions

American bison. Image by Mike Beaumont via Unsplash

Social media users praised the reporter’s quick reaction and humor, with many expressing their amusement and appreciation for the reminder about wildlife safety.

Educational Opportunity

European bison (Bison bonasus).
European bison (Bison bonasus). Image by bereta via Depositphotos

The viral video served as an educational opportunity, reminding the public of the guidelines for safely observing wildlife in national parks.

Reporter Shares Experience

American Bison.
American Bison. Image by dmbaker via Depositphotos

The reporter later shared his experience, reflecting on the unexpected encounter and the importance of respecting wildlife in their natural habitats.

A Humorous Yet Important Reminder

Wildlife in Europe. Bison herd in the autumn forest, sunny scene with big brown animal in the nature habitat, yellow leaves on the trees, Bialowieza NP, Poland. Wildlife scene from nature.

The incident, while humorous, underscored a serious message about the importance of maintaining a safe distance from wildlife to ensure both human and animal safety in national parks.

The Video

YouTube video
Viral Reporter’s Hilarious Reaction To Approaching Bison. Source: YouTube – Credit: CNN

Bison Behavioral Traits And Facts

Big old bison in nature.
Big old bison in nature. Image by fotoluxstudio via Depositphotos

Social Structure and Herd Dynamics

Side profile close up of an American bison, also known as buffalo, with its tongue sticking out in Yellowstone National Park. Image by via

Bison live in large herds that are led by dominant bulls. They have strong social bonds and participate in grooming and mutual protection. Female bison play a central role in maintaining herd cohesion.

Feeding and Foraging Habits

Adult female American bison and 1 week- and 1 month-old calves at the Prioksko-terrasny biosphere reserve, Russia. Image by oksanavg via Depositphotos

Bison are primarily grazers. They feed on grasses and sedges. They use their massive heads to sweep aside snow in winter. This allows them to access buried vegetation. Additionally, Bison travel long distances in search of food. This in turn leads to seasonal migrations in some populations.

Importance of Respecting Bison’s Space and Avoiding Approaches

Bison via Unsplash

Approaching bison puts BOTH humans and the animals at risk of injury. Additionally, Bison can charge at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour. Respecting their space maintains safety for all parties involved.

Why You Shouldn’t Approach A Bison

Image by Lubos Houska via Pixabay

This disrupts their natural behaviors and may cause them stress and agitation. Human interference can also alter herd dynamics, feeding patterns, and mating rituals. Overall, this would impact their well-being.

By maintaining a respectful distance, we allow bison to live peacefully.

Bottom Line

Image by Jonathan Mast via Unsplash

In conclusion, although the video above is hilarious, it really does get an important message across to the audience. Most people perceive bisons to be friendly creatures, and while not aggressive, they are wild animals and should be treated as.

If you enjoyed this article as much as me, check out our related article link below or have a look at our dedicated bison page!

Next up:

Jeanette Auteri

Saturday 30th of March 2024

I live in Montana 90 miles from Yellowstone. I have only been to Yellowstone three times. I have seen people who are just ignorant, but some who must not know anything about what happens in the animal world. People come to Yellowstone and are invading the Bisons habituate. They need to know what happens before they come here, if they are going to be just plain stupid. One Bison is so huge, I cannot fathom getting anywhere near them. Same with a Deer. Their hooves can really hurt you and I don't me 'ouch'! Have had encounters with them over the years, and one ran into a day old car I had just purchased. We had to replace the whole left side of my brand new car. I wasn't being stupid either. I have lived here in the Bozeman Area since 1988. I n a separate comment, will tell you about my encounter with my Mother, in a small car with Buffalo in Thermopolis, Wyoming.

Thank you for your reporting, Jeanette I. Auteri