By Josie  March 22nd, 2024

12 U.S. Animals That Narrowly Avoided Extinction

Once endangered by hunting and pesticides, the national bird of the United States has made a remarkable recovery thanks to legal protection and conservation efforts.

#1 Bald Eagle

Faced with habitat loss and unregulated hunting, the American alligator was once on the brink of extinction.

#2 American Alligator

At one point, this species was down to an alarming 22 individuals in the wild before a captive breeding program helped increase their numbers.

#3 California Condor

After being nearly eradicated in the lower 48 states, reintroduction and legal protection have helped restore populations in several areas.

#4 Gray Wolf

Native to California’s Channel Islands, this fox species faced extinction due to disease and predation by non-native species.

#5 Channel Island Fox

Hunted to near extinction for their oil-rich blubber, these seals have rebounded in the absence of hunting, with their population now in the hundreds of thousands.

#6 Elephant Seal

Once endangered by whaling, humpback whales have seen their numbers increase significantly since the 1970s due to international protection.

#7 Humpback Whale

The world’s fastest bird was once endangered by pesticide use but has bounced back thanks to bans on harmful chemicals and breeding programs.

#8 Peregrine Falcon

Nearly driven to extinction in the 19th century, conservation efforts have helped restore bison populations in several areas across the U.S.

#9 American Bison

Threatened by habitat loss, hunting, and pollution, conservation measures have helped increase nesting sites and populations in the U.S.

#10 Green Sea Turtles

Also known as sea cows, these gentle giants have benefited from habitat protection and speed restrictions on boats in their habitats.

#11 Manatees

The main reason for their perilous situation was the drastic decline in their favorite food: prairie dogs.

#12 Black-Footed Ferret

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