A myriad of prominent species in the animal kingdom are oviparous, including insects, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and even some mammals.
So, if you’re ready to learn about the 13 animals that lay eggs, buckle up with us!
The largest birds alive at present are the ostriches of North Africa, with their height ranging up to 9 feet and weight up to 350 pounds. An ostrich egg is the largest among every other bird species.
As soon as these species mate, the females lay a number of eggs in a leaf-covered nest made of soil and plants to provide warmth to the eggs during incubation until they hatch.
Turtles are aquatic lovers who spend a huge fraction of their lives in water. The sea turtles are especially the ones who only arrive at the shore to lay their eggs and return to the water instantly.
The way these animals produce their offspring is rather unique. A male frog hops on a female immersed in water. She immediately lays the eggs in water that are fertilized by the sperm released by the male at the same instant.
There are two methods of reproduction incorporated by fish populations: the egg-laying method and the live birth method, where the offspring develops in an egg inside the female body and hatches inside too.
There are two methods of reproduction incorporated by fish populations: the egg-laying method and the live birth method, where the offspring develops in an egg inside the female body and hatches inside too.