Animals usually hibernate during the winters when the food is sparse and the temperature is low.
Here is a list of 15 animals that hibernate during the winters to survive the low temperatures.
During the winter, this animal hibernates and only awakens to consume food it has stored earlier. It digs a hole in the ground that is up to three feet deep, ensuring that its hideaway is protected from predators.
Bears hibernate in a den. The den can be under a tree, in a cave or crevice of rocks. They eat double the amount of food during late summers and fall—to fill up their stomachs to survive winters.
Not all bats hibernate during the winters. Some migrate to warmer areas to survive.
The ones who are comfortable in an area decide to stay and hibernate during the winters.
Box turtles need their peaceful environment to hibernate during the winters. They don’t travel far to hibernate. They usually go inside their shells to sleep since they feel most protected there.
All the bees die during the winters. Only the queen is left to hibernate during the cold months. Once the hibernating period is over she will create a new colony.
These snakes like to build their den in a greener area such as a meadow to prepare for hibernation during the winters. They like to hibernate with other snakes, the more the better.