Natural life in this state is diverse and plentiful of animals in Alaska. It has majority of habitat for various animals like fish, birds, reptiles and mammals
Grizzly Bear is also known as a kind of brown bear. They are big and very light tan (almost white) to dark brown in color.
Dall Sheep is also known as Thin-horn Sheep is a Wild Sheep found in the mountain levels of Alaska.
Musk Ox are categorize in mammals. They have large heads, short legs along with a short neck.
Caribou has an estimated population of approx. 750000 with 32 caribou groups are present in Alaska region.
Wolves are the majorly found in Alaska. Around 85 percent of areas in Alask where on can find wolves easily.
The flying squirrel is one of the animals in Alaska which flies in nature but cannot fly like a bird or bat in the sky, so they just glide not actually fly.
Walrus are animals that look like seal and sea lion but some features created a difference in between these animals. One is their large size and another one is the big tusks.
Sea Otter is considered as the largest member of weasel family. They are color in brown to black and have a very dense fur and have long hairs which protects them.
Puffins are the most unique sea birds which are found at the coastal Alaska. There are two species of Puffins, one is tufted puffin and another one is horned puffin.