Bear Gives Construction Workers A Fright

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Black bears are fascinating creatures. They roam the forests of North America.  Let’s learn about their world.

Black bears live in forests. They love areas with lots of trees and bushes. These places offer food and safety. Black bears are found in Canada, the USA, and parts of Mexico.

black bear via unsplash

Where Do They Live?

What do black bears eat? They have a varied diet.  They eat fruits, nuts, and leaves. They also catch fish and small mammals.

black bear via unsplash

What Do They Eat?

Black bears are mostly solitary. They like to live alone. They are active mostly at dawn and dusk. This is called being crepuscular. They hibernate in winter. This means they sleep through the cold months.

black bear via unsplash

How Do They Live?

Spring is the time for baby bears. Female black bears give birth to 1-3 cubs. They do this every other year. Cubs stay with their mother for about 17 months.

cubs via unsplash

How Many Cubs Do They Have?

Black bears face many threats. Loss of habitat is a big one. People are building more and cutting down forests. This leaves bears with less space. Luckily, many people are working to protect black bears.

bear via unsplash

How Can We Protect Them?

Black bears are serious business. But, there’s always room for a little fun. Imagine a construction site. A co-worker dresses up as a bear. He surprises his fellow workers.

Bear via unsplash

Bear Gives Construction Workers A Fright

black bear via unsplash

They scream and back away trying to scare of the bear.  But, after the bear doesn’t follow or charge their co-worker reveals himself.


black bear via unsplash