By Josie August 4th, 2023
The video begins mid-chase, and just before they leave the frame the bear attacks the piglet with its powerful jaws.
The bear flings the terrified piglet about, it’s almost as if the bear knows it’s being filmed and wants to show off its conquest.
The relationship between sows and piglets is a complex and nurturing bond, marked by instinctual care and emotional connection.
A sow can differentiate between her piglets based on their individual cries, allowing her to respond to their specific needs.
As of recent estimates, the population numbers around 30,000 to 40,000 individuals.
The black bears in California often struggle with food during the summer months - the piglet is not just prey but a crucial meal.
Wildlife trap-cameras offers a non-invasive method to monitor and study wildlife in their natural habitats.
Additionally, wildlife trap-cameras can be used to gauge the success of conservation efforts.
These cameras provide valuable insights into animal behavior and movement patterns.