Chipmunk  vs.  Squirrel

By josie 

January 6th, 2023

Let's decipher their differences!

It is hard to tell these nut-loving creatures apart when they are equally adorable and share so many characteristics.

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History of the chipmunk

Chipmunks are small woodland rodents from North America and have been documented as far back as the early 1900s.

Over 25 species of chipmunks can be found worldwide in various habitats, ranging from woodlands, tundras and even urban areas.

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History of the Squirrel

The earliest squirrels were much larger than their modern-day peers but evolved to become what we witness today.

They have adapted their behaviors to changing climate events, surviving from icy cold to warmer periods.

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Size of the

Chipmunks are smaller than squirrels, measuring 8 to 10 inches long

They weigh around 2 to 5 ounces.


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Size of the

Squirrels measure 16 to 21 inches in length.

They weigh as much as 1 – 1.5 pounds.


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Fur coat of the

Their fur coat is a reddish brown with a white belly and distinct stripes on their backs.


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Fur coat of the

Squirrels are gray in color with a darker tail and a white chest.


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Diet of the

Chipmunks can be observed foraging for nuts and seeds and eating insects, fungi, and other small animals.


They are primarily diurnal feeders who often store their food in cheek pouches to consume later at a safe location.

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Diet of the

Squirrels feed on berries and nuts when they can find them in abundance but will also hunt eggs or lizards when available.


They may spend more time searching for food than the typical chipmunk since they have less access to their preferred sources of nutrition.

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Reproduction of the

Chipmunks typically mate once a year, with females giving birth to an average of five pups each spring.


Males engage in ritualized fights with one another to find a mate.

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Reproduction of the

Northern species like gray squirrels will usually mate twice annually, while southern species may do so three times per year.


Squirrels typically court each other through chasing games and vocalizations.

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And that's how you tell chipmunks and squirrels apart!