By josie february 21st, 2023

what it is and how to identify it


Learning about coyote scat can be fascinating— and even useful if there is a pack of local coyotes near your home.


The Coyote is a wild member of the Canidae family and is known for its cleverness.

A member of the Canidae Family

A member of the Canidae Family

It is native to North America and can be found in every part of the continent and parts of Central America.

Physical Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

- Wide ears  - Pointed muzzles - Long bushy tails - Medium brown fur on the back - A pale yellow-gray colored belly

Having powerful predatory skills, coyotes are excellent communicators with an extensive vocabulary of howls and yips.



They will form packs or family units with up to 5 members that help take care of the pups.

Coyote scat, also called coyote droppings, is the waste matter that coyotes leave behind after eating.

What is coyote scat?

What is coyote scat?

By studying the content of coyote scat, we can learn what kind of diet these animals are consuming as well as their general state of health.

Usually it's a combination of fur, bones, and other evidence of what they have consumed.

What does coyote scat look like?

What does coyote scat look like?

It  appears tapered at the end and measures about an inch or two in diameter and 2 to 3 inches in length.

Diet of Coyotes

Diet of Coyotes

Coyotes primarily consume small mammals such as mice, rats, squirrels, rabbits, hares, voles, insects, and other invertebrates.

They supplement their diets by eating fruits and vegetables like berries and corn.

They are notorious for destroying both wildlife and property.

The Damage They Can Cause

The Damage They Can Cause

Sometimes they kill pets and can also cause damage to livestock, such as sheep and cows.

How To Protect Your Property

How To Protect Your Property

- Ensure all garbage cans and pet food containers are securely sealed.

- Put away outdoor furniture and BBQ grills when not used.

- Fencing and motion-activated lights can also be valuable deterrents

By analysing coyote scat you can uncover lots of information about your local coyote population.