How to Choose an Ideal

By Josie February 27th, 2023

Hamster Cage

Lined Circle

This is home you create a perfect home for them:

Hamsters are among the smallest domestic pets, but they still need adequate space to live and roam around.

Hamster Cage Requirements

Your hamster needs a cage that is big enough to allow them to have proper daily exercise.

Moreover, it should have quick access to a variety of mentally stimulating toys.

First, let's take a look at the different types of cages 

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#1 Wire-Top Cages

These cages have excellent airflow and are easy to clean.

Typically, they come with 0.5 or 0.3-inch spacing between the bars.

#2 Glass Tanks

These incredibly large and deep tanks give hamsters plenty of space to run, play, and burrow.

It usually has a lid made of mesh or wire to ensure sufficient airflow.

#3 Wood Cages

The wood might absorb moisture and liquid if you get one without plastic layering.

Additionally, you cannot fully wash a wooden cage and your hamster might start chomping on it.

#4 Plastic Boxes

Many people make hamster cages themselves from plastic storage boxes.

The cost-effectiveness of these cages is their key benefit.

#5 Bookshelves

Bооkѕhеlvеѕ аrе tall, so laying them down mеаnѕ уоur hаmѕtеr will get аlоng а ѕрасіоuѕ саgе.

Наmѕtеrѕ аrе borrowers, not сlіmbеrѕ, so rather provide a deep, long, and wide cage.

Now, let's consider the key elements in choosing the right cage.

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#1 Size

The ideal hamster cage has a plain floor area of roughly 800 square inches.

Also, remember that Syrian hamsters cannot coexist because they will fight!

#2 Materials

Avoid hamster cages with toxic plastic, rubber, or chemically painted elements.

Buy a wire cage that doesn’t have a plastic coating over the wire as they often nibble on their surroundings.

#3 Security & Safety

Hamsters are able to squeeze through very small areas.

The gaps between the bars should not be wider than 1/2 inch to prevent an overnight escape.

#4 Easy Cleaning

You must perform daily spot cleaning and do a deep cleaning of the cage once every six weeks, so ensure it's easy to clean.

If it's not cleaned properly, bacteria will start to grow in the cage.

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Our pets are an extension of our family, so providing them with a cosy and safe home is a top priority!