By Josie  March 22nd, 2023

Horsefly Bites

Horsefly Bites

All You Need To Know

Nothing ruins a beautiful summer’s day like a horsefly bite – let’s take a look at how to treat them:

A horsefly bite is an annoying and painful bite from a biting fly.

What Is a Horsefly Bite?

Horsefly bites can be very itchy and painful and may become swollen or infected if not treated properly.

Horseflies are large, blood-sucking insects, usually between ¼ to 1 inch long.

More On the Horsefly

They have long antennae and get nutrition from the blood of animals.

The cause of horsefly bites is simply being in the vicinity of a horsefly when they decide to feed.

Cause of Horsefly Bites

Horseflies are attracted to movement, warmth, and sweet scents such as perfumes and lotions.

What Attracts Horseflies?

In addition, they can also detect carbon dioxide.

The most common symptom is a sharp and sudden pain at the site of the bite.

The area may become swollen, red, and itchy.

Symptoms of Horsefly Bites

In extreme cases, horses or humans bitten may also suffer from fever, headache, congestion, or other severe reactions.

Severe Symptoms

- Rinse the area with warm water.

Treatment of Horsefly Bites

- Apply an antiseptic cream or ointment to the bite.

- Take an over-the-counter antihistamine.

Consult a physician for prescription medication such as antibiotics if an infection develops.

Treatment for Severe Cases

Steroid injections may be prescribed if there is excessive swelling or inflammation around the wound site.

Baking soda neutralizes any acid present in the venom and helps soothe irritation.

An apple cider vinegar soak or a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution can also relieve the itch

Home Remedies for Horsefly Bites

#1 Wear clothing that covers as much of your skin as possible.

Prevention of Horsefly Bites

#2 Use insect repellent containing DEET or picaridin.

#3 Avoid wearing heavily scented lotions or perfumes.

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Head to our website for even more insight on horsefly bites!