In an Animals Around The Globe exclusive video from the Kruger National Park, a world renowned game reserve located in South Africa, a lion can be seen stalking a herd of buffalo.
Lions are apex predators who are masters of stalking and stealth.
Lions, the pride of Africa, are both magnificent and terrifying. As keystone species, they primarily prey on a variety of ungulates including zebras, wildebeests, gemsbok, and buffalo.
Lion cubs learn to hunt by playing, similar to toddlers. Starting at three months old, lionesses demonstrate stalking and pouncing, and cubs then practice these skills with each other.
Lion cubs learn to hunt by playing, similar to toddlers. Starting at three months old, lionesses demonstrate stalking and pouncing, and cubs then practice these skills with each other.
In the video, a lioness hides in the grass, observing a buffalo herd without attacking. This wise decision likely saved her from retaliation by the buffalo, sparing onlookers from witnessing a potentially fatal encounter.
This footage was recorded in the Kruger National Park, South Africa, during a game drive. The Kruger is home to thousands of wild animals, including the iconic Big Five – lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, and buffalo.