By Josie  July 31st, 2023

Man Killed In His Own Home In Fatal Bear Attack In Arizona

Fatal bear attacks are very rare, especially in Arizona, but they do happen.

This attack is the first fatal one in Arizona in 12 years.

The Time of the Attack

It was early morning when he was sitting outside his campsite, having his morning coffee, when the bear attacked him.

The bear had dragged Jackson about 75 feet and was in the process of consuming him when a neighbour shot the bear.

An Attempted Rescue

The attack was described as “highly unusual” and “predatory in nature” and involved a black bear, estimated to be 7 to 10 years old and weighing 365 lbs.

Arizona's Bear Population

The Black Bear is the only species that you can find in the state of Arizona, which is home to approximately 3,000 black bears

Even smaller states like Maine have a population of about 35,000 black bears.

Populations can fluctuate due to habitat availability, food resources, and human-bear interactions.

Bear attacks in Arizona are relatively rare, since the 80s, there’s only been 15 reported bear attacks.

12 Years Since the Last Fatal Attack

The first, and only other, recorded fatal bear attack in Arizona took place on July 25, 2011.

When Bears Are Most Dangerous

Bears are most dangerous when they are hungry; emerging from hibernation or trying to gain weight for the winter.

Bears are also especially dangerous  during their mating season, which is between June to mid-July for black bears.

Another risky time is when bears have become habituated to humans - they can lose their natural fear of humans and become aggressive in their attempts to get human food.

Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line

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