Minnesota-Animals That Won’t be Around for Future Generations

This article will discuss the 14 most endangered animals in Minnesota.  We will review each species, discussing their current status and what we can do to help save them.

Dakota Skipper

The Dakota skipper is a small, dusty yellow-colored butterfly about an inch long. It mostly inhabits rocky prairie hillsides and meadows where its host plant, the wild prairie roses, grows.

Eastern Massasauga

The massasauga is a small serpent with dark brown to olive-colored scales. They’re a shy species and prefer to avoid human interaction.

Rusty Patched Bumble Bee

The Rusty Patched bumble bee was once common in Minnesota and across much of the United States. It is a medium-sized bee, with rusty brown patches on its wings and black abdomen.

Whooping Crane

The whooping crane is a tall, long-legged bird native to the central and eastern United States, including Minnesota.  It is listed as endangered by the USFWS and is a federally protected species.

Piping Plover

Piping plovers are small shorebirds whose populations have declined throughout much of their historic range in the United States. Plovers are critical to the health of coastal ecosystems by serving as a food source for many aquatic animals.

Gray Wolf

The gray wolf is a large, grayscale mammal with long black legs and bushy tail. It weighs about 50 pounds, measures two to three feet in length and has been classified as an endangered species by the state of Minnesota.