Most Massive Flock of Swarming Locusts

Locusts are a type of grasshopper that can change their behavior and physical appearance in response to certain conditions

Locusts can form massive swarms covering hundreds of square miles.

However, locust swarms have been responsible for devastating agricultural and environmental damage throughout history, leading to famine and economic hardship.

Historically, locust plagues have been recorded as far back as ancient Egypt and described in the Bible.

Recently, there have been several major locust outbreaks, including the  2020 outbreak in East Africa and the Middle East, considered one of the  worst in decades.

The desert locust attack from ‘19 to ‘21 started with unexpected and  unwanted rainfall in the Arabian Peninsula, specifically the Empty  Quarter.

The only reason it was unwanted was that desert locust numbers exploded to more than 8000 times the original with the sudden onset of their  ‘breeding’ with the moisture and environment created by the rainfall.

Swarms then migrated north to Saudi Arabia and southern Iran, and southwest to Yemen, where they bred again due to good rains.

The conflict in Yemen made control operations difficult, leading to new  swarms invading northeast Ethiopia and northern Somalia in June 2019.

With their numbers steadily increasing, these locusts invaded Kenya late  December in 2019, affecting energies, food security, and even  livelihoods.

These countries tried to establish control over these pest populations with aerial strikes, but they continued to thrive.

Learn more about these remarkable animals!

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