By Josie  September 12th, 2023

Over 70 Crocodiles On the Loose Due To Floods

Panic is spreading in Southern China, and justifiably so – due to recent floods over 70 crocodiles are on the loose.

70 Crocodiles On the Loose

In Maoming, China, heavy rains caused a local lake to overflow - causing more than 70 crocodiles to escape from a commercial farm.

The local authorities have urged the residents to stay indoors to avoid any encounters with the crocodiles.

People could spot these reptiles lurking near roads and residential areas, creating a state of emergency in the region.

A Challenging Mission

The operation to recapture the crocodiles has been challenging due to the depth of the floodwaters and emergency forces are facing difficulty navigating the waters.

There is a possibility that some crocodiles will undergo euthanasia instead of capture, according to a member of the emergency squad.

Following Capture

Preceding the capture, they return the crocodiles to land with their mouths and limbs tied to restrict movement.

A Consequence of Climate Change

The recent incident sheds light on an unexpected yet true reality of climate change – increased interaction with dangerous wildlife.

As extreme weather events become more frequent, the likelihood of encounters with wildlife in urban areas escalates.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to address climate change and its far-reaching impacts on both wildlife and human communities.

The Danger of Crocodile Farming

The incident underlines the potential dangers associated with commercial crocodile farms, especially in flood-prone areas.

Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line

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