Rare Encounter: Meerkat Family vs Cobra

Image by BBC earth via YouTube

Cobras are armed with neurotoxic venom that can shut down entire respiratory systems. Meerkats, on the other hand, are mighty in numbers.  Who wins in this showdown between a family of meerkats and a highly venomous cobra?

One of my favorite childhood memories involves watching Meerkat Manor with my family. This documentary, spanning four seasons, first premiered in 2005.

Meerkat Manor

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So, when I came across the video captioned a Meerkat Family Surrounds Cobra. What Happens Next? It’s no surprise that I find myself rooting for the meerkats. They are, without a doubt, among my favorite animals.

meerkats via unsplash

Habitat: Deserts and grasslands of southern Africa Diet: insects, lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, and plants Threats: Predation by eagles, hawks and snakes

Facts about Meerkats

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Habitat: Africa, the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia, and Indonesia. Diet: primarily feeding on small mammals, birds, and other reptiles. Some species also eat eggs.

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Facts about Cobras

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Meerkats share their habitat in southern Africa with several species of cobras. The Cape cobra is among the species known to prey on meerkats. However, meerkats' vigilance and social bonds often deter cobras from attacking, as seen in the video.

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Meerkat vs Cobras; Who wins?

Image by BBC earth via YouTube

Cobras are opportunistic creatures and are often successful in their hunts when young meerkats are left vulnerable, when meerkats fall sick or when individuals are isolated.

cobra via unsplash

Interstingly, Meerkats also sometimes prey on cobras. Meerkats are powerful in numbers, using teamwork to hunt they are capable of taking down some of the most venomous snake species.

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Predator-prey interactions reversed

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Image by BBC earth via YouTube

Rare Encounter: Meerkat Family vs Cobra