A number of shark attacks have occurred on Long Island in the last few weeks, causing worry for swimmers and surfers. Continue reading to learn all about shark attacks around New York.
They are up to 12.5 feet in size and mainly reside offshore.
Although the blue shark typically swims slowly, it can move swiftly. It feeds on tiny fish and squid.
The common thresher shark gathers schools of fish and stuns its prey with its massive caudal fin. They can swim very well and have been seen to leap out of the water occasionally.
This shark is typically found offshore or in coastal waters and can grow up to 14 feet long. Fish with bones and cartilage, cephalopods, and crustaceans make up their diet. They mature slowly and grow very gradually.
During the warm season, juvenile white sharks use the coastal ocean off Long Island as a nursery habitat. They can be seen offshore or in coastal waters. These ambush predators and powerful swimmers are known as white sharks.
Offshore and coastal areas make up the sand tiger shark‘s habitat. This shark frequents the estuaries on Long Island, particularly Great South Bay, which serves as a summertime nursery for young sharks.
Sandbar shark, lives in offshore and coastal areas and can reach a maximum length of 8 feet. It feeds on small bottom fish and crustaceans like blue crabs, dogfish, goosefish, skates, and rays.
The 13-foot-long Mako shark is typically found offshore and can grow quite large. It is the fastest shark in the entire animal kingdom, with bursts of swimming speeds of up to 43 mph.