Spot Leopards in Africa

Do you want to find out what the best places to see leopards in the wild are?

Africa, home to the largest living animals and the most vicious predators, is home to the mighty Leopard.

Get to know them

It is number one on the list of the Best Places to Spot Leopards in Africa.  If you need to see a leopard, go to the place where their populations  are the densest in Africa.

1. Kruger National Park, Sabi Sands Game and Madikwe, South Africa

The area is also known as the Valley of the Leopard. Its incredible abundance of prey is the perfect snack for the majestic leopard.

2. South Luangwa National Park, Zambia

It is known for the numerous big cats attracted by the sheer number of  wildebeests and zebras arriving at the northernmost point of their Great  Migration journey.

3. Masai Mara and Samburu, Kenia

For almost guaranteed leopard watching on a Namibian safari, go here. The reserve lies at the foot of the Omboroko Mountains and hosts the AfriCat Foundation.

4. Okonjima, Namibia

Famous leopards like Bella (on the Talek River) can be seen in the northern part of the reserve, towards Musiara/Windmill.

5. Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

There are many excellent places to see leopards on a Botswana safari, the best of which are on the edge of the Okavango Delta.

6. Savuti, Linyati, Moremi and Chobe National Parks, Botswana

There is still more to learn about this incredible creature!

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