By Josie May 15th, 2023
One of the most fascinating aspects of spiders is their ability to spin intricate webs.
The largest spider web ever found in the world was discovered by a team of incredible researchers and got its claim to fame in 2010.
The web was located in Madagascar, an island off the coast of Africa.
It measured over 80 feet long and was suspended across a river.
The biggest spider web ever was woven by a Darwin's Bark Spider.
It is named after Charles Darwin, who was fascinated by spiders and their webs.
Darwin’s bark spider is a medium-sized spider with a body length of about 1 inch and a 5-inch leg span.
Darwin’s bark spider is known for its exceptional web-spinning abilities. They’re able to produce silk stronger than steel of the same weight.
The discovery of Darwin’s bark spider's incredible silk has sparked interest among scientists studying its genetics and how it creates such strong silk.
The golden orb-weaver spider in Africa and Asia spins webs measuring up to 3 feet in diameter.
The Goliath birdeater tarantula, found in South America, is the largest yet-discovered spider in the world by mass.
It spins thick, strong webs that capture prey and protects its burrow.
The tunnel web spider, found in New Zealand, spins webs shaped like tubes. They can measure up to 7 feet in length.