The Largest Ports in the United States

The stuff we use in our day-to-day lives does not necessarily belong to our country. They are usually items manufactured by other states -oftentimes manufactured halfway across the world. 

Before they arrive on the shelves at your local store, they pass through the many ports of the world. Here we’ve listed the largest ports in the United States.

If you’re curious to learn about the significance of the largest ports in the United States, keep reading with us!

The Port of Los Angeles

The port, sometimes known as the “America’s port”, is the most prized possession of the Los Angeles Harbor Development.

The Port of Long Beach

The substantial size of the port makes it capable of handling approximately 8 million TEUs. Thereby creating job opportunities for 316,000 people in California.

The Port of New Jersey and New York

The area is well-supported with an air and railway network to enhance the movement of cargo throughout the country.

The Port of Savannah

The port is administered by the Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) and is the fastest-evolving port in the US.

The Port of Virginia

These ports make it an attractive area for foreign investment.

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