By josie january 27th, 2023

animal facts

tHE TOP 10

(that we bet you didn't know)

7.77 million kinds of creatures inhabit our planet.

Get ready to be blown away by some crazy facts:

While earth’s biodiversity is well recognised, we often overlook the amazing things our animal counterparts can do.

Human fingerprints are surprisingly similar to Koala fingerprints. So much so that they’ve been mistaken for human fingerprints at crime scenes.

1.Human and Koala Fingerprints

Fingerprints are thought to be useful in two ways; to improve grip and to boost tactile sensations.

Variations in the horn's keratin composition caused by nutrition and geographic location may be used to identify animals in a similar way to fingerprinting.

2.Rhino Horn is made of hair

Rhino horns are formed with the same protein that makes up your hair and nails: keratin.

You can hypnotise a frog by softly caressing its tummy while it is lying down on its back.

3.Frogs and hypnotism

This induces the condition of immobility known as ‘catalepsy,’ which is also observed in humans in some levels of hypnosis.

The digestive process of a sloth is the slowest of any mammal, taking two weeks to finish one meal

Because their food is deficient in calories and nourishment, sloths have evolved to expend extremely little energy.

4.Sloths and food breakdown

Elephant legs, unlike most animals, have all of their bones pointing downwards, which means they lack the “spring” needed to push off the ground.

5.Elephants can’t jump

Furthermore, these giant creatures can't run faster than 15 mph.

Cows produce around 90 cups of milk daily, which is enough to meet the needs of 30 children with three cups of milk each day.

6.Cows and milk production

That’s 200,000 cups of milk in a cow’s lifetime.

Giraffes do not have vocal cords.

They do have a larynx (voice box), but it’s possible that their 13-foot-long trachea couldn’t provide enough airflow to vibrate their vocal folds.

7.Giraffes are mute

Researches discovered that they're only able to produce a humming sound of 92Hz.

An ostrich’s brain is smaller than its eyeball.

The eyes of an ostrich are roughly 2 inches  in diameter, or about the same size as a cue puck for billiards.

8.Ostrich’s brain size vs eyeball

Meanwhile, their brains are roughly the size of a walnut.

Moreover, every year, between 2,000 and 3,000 orangutans are slaughtered.

9.Orangutans and broken bones

Because they fall off of trees so frequently, around half of the orangutans have damaged bones.

Many scientists fear they will go extinct in the wild in less than 50 years if the current pace of extinction continues.

A shrimp’s heart is positioned in its head.

10.Shrimp heart location

If we go by the precise anatomy of a shrimp, the heart is placed on the thorax directly behind the head.

Now you know 10 fascinating facts about the animal kingdom!

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