The Top 10 Wildlife Destinations To Visit In 2023

With travel opening up internationally, what better time to start planning your dream itinerary to visit some of the top destinations where wildlife is rich and opportunities for travel are plentiful.

We have compiled the top 10 wildlife destinations to visit. We hope you enjoy this story.

Yellowstone is home to grizzly and black bears, hundreds of wild bison, wolf packs, massive waterfalls, and the world’s biggest concentration of active geysers.

#1 Yellowstone National Park, US.

#2 Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda.

Highlights of local wildlife wonders includes easily observed elephant and buffalo, sitatunga, big forest hog, and topi.

#3 Canaima National Park, Venezuela

It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the World’s Highest Waterfall, according to UNESCO.

#4 Okavango Delta, Botswana

The Okavango River, unlike most river deltas, flows onto open land, flooding the savanna and forming a unique and ever-changing inland delta…

#5 Sabi Sands Park, South Africa

Sabi Sand leopards, which are notoriously elusive, have become used to to safari vehicles, allowing for close-up encounters and incredible photography opportunities.

#6 Etosha National Park, Namibia

The park’s major feature is a massive salt pan that can be viewed from space.

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