By Josie June 27h, 2023
A killer whale attack is fairly rare – but not impossible.
Killer Whales can measure a whole 32 feet in length and up to 12,000 pounds (6 tons.)
An orca can capsize a small boat with a swipe of its tail. If a person ends up in the water, they could face a dangerous situation.
Most reported attacks involve captive orcas in entertainment parks, where poor living conditions cause aggressive behavior.
In rare cases, orcas may mistake humans for prey when humans are participating in water activities like swimming or surfing.
The killer whale continues to chase the boat, illustrating one of the killer whale’s most impressive skills – its incredible speed.
They can swim at 34.5 miles per hour.
The icy water adds a terrifying layer to the danger. If the boat capsizes, the passengers will fall into freezing water, which can cause hypothermia in minutes.
Orcas often hunt in groups known as pods, and they work together to catch their food.
They surround and herd their prey, making it harder for the prey to escape.