By Josie August 3rd, 2023
The question still remains 7 years after Harambe’s controversial and tragic death - was Cincinnati Zoo right in killing Harambe?
It’s often overlooked that dogs were pivotal to the success of military operations.
Harambe, a western lowland gorilla, was born into captivity and raised at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Texas.
Harambe often cared for his younger siblings, displaying a gentle and compassionate side.
Harambe was known for his intelligence and nurturing nature.
On May 28, 2016, a young child accidentally stumbled into the enclosure of Harambe at the Cincinnati Zoo.
In a video that quickly went viral, shows Harambe dragging and roughhousing with the child.
As a result, zoo employees made the decision to kill Harambe.
The outrage extended into celebrity and meme culture, and many condemning the child’s mother becoming a target of online harassment.
Gorillas often perform elaborate displays when agitated, dragging objects to intimidate. This is presumably what he was doing with the child.
Harambe’s tight lips and posturing were indicative of this behavior, not an attempt to care for the child.
Jerry Stones, a Texas zookeeper who raised Harambe, mourned the gorilla’s death as akin to losing a family member.
A tranquilizer would have taken too long to immobilize Harambe, potentially allowing him to injure the child in the process.
#1 High Infant Mortality and Rejection by Mothers
#2 41% of captive gorillas have heart disease
#3 Abnormal Behaviors