Watch: Jaguar vs Anaconda

source: FiveZero Safaris YouTube

In Pantanal, Bazil, Paulo Boute captures a jaguar preying on an anaconda.  Although the anaconda is much smaller than the jaguar, it is still a challenge for the jaguar to capture.

Anacondas, among the world's largest snakes, have two natural predators: caimans and jaguars. However, jaguars rarely prey on them due to their size and strength.

Anaconda’s Natural Predators – The Jaguar

jaguar via unsplash

Jaguars have the most substantial bite of all big cats. They exert a bite force of up to 2,000 pounds per square inch (psi). They are excellent swimmers.

Facts about Jaguars

jaguar via unsplash

The green anaconda is the heaviest and one of the longest snakes in the world. They spend most of their life in and around water.

Facts about Anacondas

anaconda via Unsplash

This sighting is very rare. It shows incredible strength. The jaguar and anaconda have special skills that put them at the top of the food chain in their environment.

A Fantastic Sighting

source: FiveZero Safaris YouTube

I believe a jaguar might shy away from that challenge.

Do you think a jaguar could take on the largest anaconda on earth?

jaguar via unsplash

source: FiveZero Safaris YouTube

Watch: Jaguar vs Anaconda