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Triggered Bull Shark Attacks Fishing Boat

A man was flying his drone from the beach when he spotted two huge cobia fish. 

He noticed a bull shark trailing behind. What he caught on his camera next will amaze you. 

The shark

Watch as the bull shark attacked...

The bull shark repeatedly rammed their fishing boat, not once or twice, but an astonishing eight times. The damage is mind-blowing. 

The REAL reason for the attack will surprise you. The bull shark was triggered by a electrical reaction on the boat... 

The outboard motors have a metal that ground the boat and creates and electric field in the surrounding water. But how does this affect the shark? 

Electrical Field

Bull sharks are known for their adaptability and wide distribution in coastal and freshwater habitats. The are highly aggressive and have a reputation as one of the most dangerous sharks. 

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Triggered Bull Shark Attacks Fishing Boat. The real reason is surprising!