Things you should know about the
By josie
January 30th, 2023
Unless you're allergic, a wolf spider bite isn't too serious - but let's prepare you for it anyways!
Wolf spiders are seen all over the world and can live in a myriad of habitats.
Spiders bite as a means of self-defense or to capture prey.
They use their venom to subdue prey, allowing them to capture and consume it easily.
Among more than 50,000 species of spiders, only a few have fangs that can penetrate human skin.
A wolf spider bite usually leaves two dot-like marks on the skin that indicate penetration of their fangs in the skin.
Moreover, it may appear as a red, swollen, and painful area on the skin.
Wolf Spiders have brown or gray coats with pale markings or stripes on their back.
They measure 0.5-2 inches in size.
The unique arrangement of eyes is what makes them identifiable:
They have four tiny eyes in the third row, two big eyes in the middle row, and two medium-sized eyes in the top row
People usually confuse them with brown recluse spiders due to their size and color.
The brown recluse spider is far more venomous than the wolf spider.
They can be differentiated because the recluse spider has a violin shaped head, and darker markings.
Wolf spiders are adaptable and are able to live in a plethora of environments and are present worldwide.
They inhabit terrestrial environments, such as fields, forests, and deserts
Likewise, they're common residents in many homes, living in basements, crawl spaces, and other undisturbed areas.
However, if you prove allergic to their venom, the symptoms are much more severe:
- Swelling around the mouth
- Unconsciousness or dizziness
- Vomiting or nausea.
- Sweating
- Headaches
- A bump that looks like hives due to an increase in size.
1. Gently clean the area of the bite with soap and warm water.
2. Cover the bite with a bandage to avoid infection.
3. Apply an ice pack to reduce swelling around the bite.
4. Avoid scratching as it highly increases the risk of infection
1. Carry a flashlight if it’s dark to spot wolf spiders
2. Shake out items like boots, boxes, and clothes before using them
4. Take extra care in areas like garages, sheds, and lofts.
3. Make noise to warn spiders about your presence.
Although a wolf spider bite isn't lethal, now you're definitely fully prepared if you get one.