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Why You Should Drive Slowly In Yellow Stone National Park

Why You Should Drive Slowly In Yellow Stone National Park. Image by the_ranger_pete via Instagram.

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Driving through Yellowstone National Park offers amazing views and the opportunity to see incredible wildlife, but with all this it also requires caution and awareness. In the video above, this car accident involving a bison on the road have highlighted the need for drivers to proceed slowly and attentively. Here’s why driving slowly is crucial in Yellowstone.

Protecting Wildlife

Why You Should Drive Slowly In Yellow Stone National Park. Image by the_ranger_pete via Instagram.

Yellowstone is home to a lot of different wildlifespecies. This includes bison, elk, bears, and wolves. These animals often cross roads unexpectedly! Therefore, driving slowly gives you more time to react and avoid collisions.

Visitor Safety

Why You Should Drive Slowly In Yellow Stone National Park. Image by the_ranger_pete via Instagram.

Slower speeds reduce the risk of accidents, protecting not only the wildlife but also the park’s visitors.

Preserving the Natural Experience

Image by xConcertChickx Via YouTube

Driving slowly lets you fully appreciate the natural beauty around you in Yellowstone. It gives you the opportunity to fully observe wildlife from a safe distance and enjoy the scenic landscapes without rushing.

Preventing Vehicle Damage

By Jean Beaufort –, CC0,

Bison and other large animals can cause damage to vehicles in the event of a collision. Driving at a lower speed minimizes the impact force.

Supporting Park Conservation Efforts

By Yellowstone National Park – Bison grazing near Roosevelt Arch in the spring, Public Domain,

By driving responsibly, you contribute to the park’s conservation efforts.

Bison Q&A Physical Features

How Big Are Bison?

Rare White Bison
Rare White Bison Calf. Image by Erin Bratten via YouTube

Bison are the largest land mammals in North America. Additionally, males (bulls) weighing up to 2,000 pounds and females (cows) weighing up to 1,000 pounds.

What Do Bison Look Like?

American Bison grazing in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Image via Depositphotos

Bison have a distinctive hump on their shoulders, a massive head, and shaggy fur, particularly around their head and neck.

How Tall Are Bison?

wood bison
Laura Whitehouse, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Bison can stand about 6 feet tall at the shoulder.

What Is the Lifespan of a Bison?

Lost calf finds mama Bison
Lost calf finds mama Bison. Image by RON STERBENZ, YELLOWSTONEVIDEO.COM

Bison live up to 20 years, although the average lifespan is around 15 years.

How Fast Can Bison Run?

Adult female American bison and 1 week- and 1 month-old calves at the Prioksko-terrasny biosphere reserve, Russia. Image by oksanavg via Depositphotos

Bison are can run at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour.

How Do Bison Use Their Horns?

Bison. Image via Unsplash

Both male and female bison have horns, which they use for defense, dominance displays, and foraging for food under the snow.

What Do Bison Eat?

By Aleksomber – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Bison are herbivores. They graze on grasses and sedges. They also eat leaves, fruits and lichens.

How Do Bison Communicate?

American bison. Image by Mike Beaumont via Unsplash

Bison communicate through a variety of vocalizations, body language and scent markings.

What Is the Bison’s Habitat?

European bison (Bison bonasus).
European bison (Bison bonasus). Image by bereta via Depositphotos

Bison are found in open plains, prairies, and river valleys where they can graze.

How Do Bison Survive Harsh Winters?

Image by Nicolas Petit via Pexels

Bison have thick fur and a layer of fat that insulates them against the cold.

What Are the Predators of Bison?

European bison.
Bison. Image via Charles J. Sharp, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Wolves and occasionally bears pose the most significant threats. Calves, however, are more vulnerable to predation.

How Do Bison Reproduce?

wood bison
Wood bison bull. Arthur T. LaBar from Central Kentucky, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Bison have a breeding season known as the rut. This happens from July to September where bulls compete for access to cows. Then after a gestation period of about 9 months, calves are born in the spring.

How Do Bison Impact Their Ecosystem?

Rare White Bison
White Bison Calf. Image by Erin Bratten via YouTube

Bison play an important role in their ecosystem by grazing, which helps maintain grassland health, and helps to disperse seeds around.

Are Bison Social Animals?

By Montanabw – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Yes, bison are highly social and live in herds.

Bottom Line

By Larry D. Moore, CC BY 4.0,

Overall, driving slowly in Yellowstone National Park is essential for the safety of both visitors and wildlife. Bison, with their impressive size and significant role in the ecosystem, are a common sight but can pose a hazard if drivers are not cautious.

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