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North Carolina Woman Shows Us What NOT To Do: Pulls Bear Cub From Tree To Take Selfies

pulls cubs from tree
Image by The National Desk via YouTube, and By Maryland GovPics - DNR Bear Cub Tagging, CC BY 2.0,

We can all agree on the fact that bear cubs are one of the most adorable baby animals out there, maybe because they remind us so much of the teddies we shared a bed with when we were young? That being said, it’s crucial to keep our distance, for their and our sake. The last thing you should do is what is featured in this video: a woman pulls a bear cub from a tree with the aim of taking a selfie with it.

A Shocking Encounter For Selfish Reasons

pulls cubs from tree
Image by The National Desk via YouTube

A shocking scene was captured on camera in Buncombe County, North Carolina. The video shows a group of people not only approaching a bear cub but going as far as pulling the bear cub from the tree. This incident, was all for the sake of taking selfies with the cubs.

Cub Pulled from Tree and Dropped

pulls cubs from tree
Image by The National Desk via YouTube

In the video, one of the individuals is seen holding a bear cub and taking a selfie. Moments later, the person drops the cub, which then attempts to escape and climb back over a fence. The distressing footage highlights the reckless behavior of those involved.

Authorities Called to the Scene

pulls cubs from tree
Image by The National Desk via YouTube

The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission was alerted to the incident on Tuesday evening. Special projects biologist Ashley Hobbs responded to the call and arrived at the scene. She found the cub alone, wet, and cold, indicating it had been abandoned for some time.

Bear Cub Rescued and Taken to Rehab Facility

pulls cubs from tree
The terrified bear running away. Image by The National Desk via YouTube

The cub, after being rescued by authorities, was taken to a rehabilitation facility. Despite the traumatic experience, the bear is reported to be in good condition and will eventually be released back into the wild. The actions of the group have raised significant concerns among wildlife officials.

Watch the video here

The Dangers of Interacting with Bear Cubs

Momma Bear Tosses Cub
Image via Depositphotos

Interacting with bear cubs poses significant dangers to both humans and the cubs. These young animals are vulnerable, and human interference can lead to trauma, injury, or even death. Additionally, approaching bear cubs increases the risk of aggressive encounters with protective mother bears, endangering human lives.

Can the Cubs Catch a Human Scent?

Black Bear
Black bear cub. Image by Depositphotos

Yes, bear cubs can catch a human scent, which can have serious consequences. Cubs with human scent may be rejected by their mothers, leading to abandonment. This exposure can also make cubs less wary of humans, increasing the risk of dangerous encounters as they grow older.

If There’s a Cub, There’s a Mama Bear

Mother bear protects her three little puppies. Image via

Where there are bear cubs, a protective mother bear is usually nearby. Mother bears are highly protective of their young and can become aggressive if they perceive a threat. This makes it extremely dangerous to approach or handle bear cubs, as it can provoke a defensive reaction from the mother.

Mama Bears Are the Most Dangerous Bears

brown bear cub
By Kandukuru Nagarjun from Bangalore, India – Bear cub wades, CC BY 2.0,

Mama bears are among the most dangerous bears due to their fierce protective instincts. When they sense their cubs are in danger, they will defend them aggressively. This behavior is a natural response to potential threats and is a significant reason why humans should avoid interacting with bear cubs.

How Big Are Bear Cubs?

Momma Bear Tosses Cub
Image via Depositphotos

Bear cubs are relatively small at birth, typically weighing around one pound. As they grow, they gain weight rapidly, reaching up to 15-25 pounds by the time they are a few months old. Despite their small size, cubs are highly dependent on their mothers for survival and protection.

The Relationship Between Cubs and Mama Bears

bear cub
Image by Janko Ferlic Divo via Unsplash

The bond between bear cubs and their mothers is crucial for the cubs’ development and survival. Mama bears teach their cubs essential survival skills, such as foraging and avoiding predators. This relationship ensures that cubs grow into independent, capable adults, making it vital to avoid disrupting this natural bond.

The Dangers of Human Interaction with Wildlife

Grizzly bear cubs
Grizzly bear cubs playing in a field of flowers. Image via Depositphotos

Human interactions with wildlife can pose serious risks to both animals and people. Wildlife officials stress the importance of maintaining a safe distance and not disturbing animals in their natural habitat. Encounters like this can lead to injuries and disrupt the delicate balance of nature.

Wildlife Experts Advocate for Education

black bear
A female black bear with her cub walking on a hillside in Yellowstone National Park. Image via Depositphotos

Educating the public about the proper way to coexist with wildlife is crucial. Wildlife experts like Ashley Hobbs and Jody Williams emphasize the need for awareness and understanding. Misguided actions, often driven by ignorance, can have severe consequences for animals and their ecosystems.

Impact of Social Media on Wildlife Encounters

By Charles J. Sharp – Own work, from Sharp Photography,, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The rise of social media has led to an increase in risky behaviors, as people are always on the hunt for the perfect Instagram picture – this woman who pulls a bear cub from a tree is just one of many examples. Taking selfies with wildlife can be dangerous and often results in harm to the animals. It is essential to promote responsible behavior and discourage such actions.

black bear with cubs
Image via Unsplash

Interfering with wildlife is not only irresponsible but also illegal in many areas. There are laws and regulations in place to protect wildlife and their habitats. Violating these laws can result in fines, penalties, and other legal consequences for those involved.

Human-Wildlife Conflict: A Growing Concern

Eurasian brown bear and cubs
Close up of female Eurasian brown bear (Ursos arctos) and her cubs in boreal forest, Finland. Image via Depositphotos

As human populations expand, encounters with wildlife become more frequent. This can lead to conflicts, particularly when animals venture into urban areas. However, this an example of humans actively approaching wildlife, which can easily be avoided – always keep a respectful distance.

Responsible Wildlife Tourism

Grizzly bear cubs
Grizzly bear cub in a field of flowers. Image via Depositphotos

Wildlife tourism can be a positive experience when conducted responsibly. Guided tours and safaris that prioritize animal welfare and safety can provide educational opportunities without disturbing wildlife. Tourists should seek reputable operators that follow ethical guidelines.

Signs of Stress in Wildlife

grizzly bear
Young Grizzly bear in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Image via Depositphotos

Recognizing signs of stress in wildlife is important for minimizing human impact. Animals may exhibit changes in behavior, such as increased aggression or attempts to flee, when stressed. Observing from a distance and avoiding direct contact helps reduce stress.

The Role of Wildlife Officials

Black bear
Black Bear is dangerous species in forest ,thailand and it live everwherer in forest , v-shape. Image via Depositphotos

Wildlife officials, such as those with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, work tirelessly to protect animals and enforce laws. Their responsibilities include responding to incidents, conducting research, and educating the public about wildlife conservation.

Ethical Wildlife Photography

kodiak bear
Kodiak bear. Alaska Region U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service from Anchorage, United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Ethical wildlife photography involves capturing images without disturbing animals or their habitats. Photographers should use telephoto lenses to maintain a safe distance and avoid baiting or luring animals. Respecting wildlife ensures their continued presence in nature.

How to Respond to Wildlife Encounters

kodiak bear
Kodiak Bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi) in Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, United States. Yathin S Krishnappa, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Knowing how to respond during a wildlife encounter can make a difference. Stay calm, give the animal space, and avoid making sudden movements. If the animal appears injured or in distress, contact local wildlife authorities for assistance.

Wildlife Safety Tips for Residents

Boy attack bear
Brown bears are among the largest terrestrial carnivores. Image via Pexels

Residents in areas with frequent wildlife activity should take precautions to minimize encounters. Secure trash, avoid feeding wildlife, and remove attractants from yards. Following these tips helps prevent conflicts and keeps both people and animals safe.

Woman Pulls Bear Cub From Tree: Conclusion

kodiak bear
Kodiak bear walking across Dog Salmon Creek. David Menke, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

This video has annoyed and enranged wildlife enthusiasts around the world – and rightfully so. We can all agree that bear cubs are adorable, and witnessing them up close is a one-of-a-kind experience. However, priority number one should always be to respect their space, both for the bears’ sake and our own safety. Remember, a mama bear is the most dangerous kind of bear, and typically, where there are bear cubs there’s bound to be a mama bear as well.

Thank you for reading this article about the woman who pulls a bear cub out of tree! For more bear news, take a look here: