

Do you want to learn about reptiles? 

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They are characterized by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs that acts as a shield.


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There are 13 species of crocodiles, so there are many different sizes of  crocodile. The smallest crocodile is the dwarf crocodile.The largest crocodile is the saltwater crocodile.


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It is the largest predator in the Amazon basin and are known for their black, scaly skin.


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Alligators have been living on Earth for millions of years and are sometimes described as ‘living fossils’. Two types of alligators are in existence. They are the American and Chinese Alligators.


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Boas are found in Mexico, Central and South America, and Madagascar. It kills prey by constriction.

Boa Constrictor

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There are two  independently evolved groups: the true sea snakes related to Australian terrestrial elapids, and the sea kraits related to the Asian cobras.

Sea Snakes

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