By Jen fitschen / Feb 3, 2023

Animals in Alberta

Cream Section Separator

Do you want to learn about Alberta?

They are commonly spotted at fishing spots feasting on fish. They undergo  hibernation during winter, and much of their food consists of nuts,  berries, fruit, leaves, and roots though they can also feed on other animals.

Grizzly Bear

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Bison is also referred to as buffalo or wisent and is more extensive,  broad, and heavy at the shoulder level with a more pronounced hump. They live in small groups and prefer grass and herbs though they feed on twigs and leaves.


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Elk are  also called wapiti from the subspecies of red deer. They are commonly  known for their social behavior, with summer groups reaching 400.

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They occupy high-altitude regions to avoid predators but migrate to  lower altitudes during winter. They are often aggressive when searching for food. Mountain goats can associate  well with people, but the fact remains that they are wild animals with  sharp horns, therefore dangerous.

Mountain Goat

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Moose is the most prominent member of the deer family, characterized by  towering size, black color, long legs, pendulous muzzle, and hairy  dewlap. They can run at a speed of 35 miles per hour despite their clumsy body.

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Bighorn sheep

They are endangered animal species with different subspecies, some  living in deserts while others living in a mountainous region have  greyish-brown skin, which appears darker in summer.

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And there are still many more animals to discover in this region.

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