Animals in Georgia

The state of Georgia in the United States has heaps of different animal species. Let’s check out the best of Georgia’s wildlife with our list of the most exciting and sought-after animals in Georgia.

Brown Thrasher

This official state bird of Georgia, the Brown Thrasher, is widespread. Fortunately, it is still quite a common sight in Georgia. Their numbers have declined due to the loss of their natural habitat, collisions with cars, etc.

Largemouth Bass

The magnificent largemouth bass was made the official state fish of Georgia in 1970. This fish has olive-grey-green scales on it. It likes to be in warm water streams and rivers of Georgia, with lots of vegetation.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

The eastern tiger swallowtail is lovely, as you can see.  It was recognized as the official state butterfly of Georgia. Their colors are so vibrant – black strips edge the yellow wings.

White-Tailed Deer

The white-tailed deer got its name because of the white hairs under the tail and back end. Found its body is more significant in relaxed environments and rural soil but more modest in treats and jungles.

Green Tree Frog

In 2005, the green tree frog became the official state amphibian of Georgia. These cute little frogs are lime green with bright white stripes on each side of their smooth bodies.

American Alligator

In 2005, the green tree frog became the official state amphibian of Georgia. These cute little frogs are lime green with bright white stripes on each side of their smooth bodies.

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