Animals In Louisiana

So if you’re visiting New Orleans or the broader Louisiana and you’re interested in what wildlife and animals you may stumble upon, look no further! We’ve got plenty of info in this blog for you to enjoy.

Mammals Of Louisiana

Louisiana  Black Bear

As its name implies, the Louisiana black bear is covered with black fur and has a short tail. It has a stubby appearance given off by a broad nose and small eyes.

Eastern Gray Squirrels & Eastern Fox Squirrels

As their name implies, Eastern gray squirrels have gray fur. Quite fascinatingly, some species of these squirrels have black hair due to a faulty pigment gene present in their lineage.

Eastern Cottontail And Swamp Rabbits

The eastern cottontail and swamp rabbit are the only two types of rabbits native to Louisiana. The outer fur of the eastern cottontail comprises a mixture of red, brown, and gray, while the inner coat is white. They have big brown eyes and large ears.


The eastern cottontail and swamp rabbit are the only two types of rabbits native to Louisiana. The outer fur of the eastern cottontail comprises a mixture of red, brown, and gray, while the inner coat is white. They have big brown eyes and large ears.


Nutria is a semi-aquatic species belonging to the family of rodents and is regarded as an invasive species due to its troublesome nature and high rate of reproduction. These distressing critters live in trenches near water and consume a lot of vegetation.