Animals that Start with N

There are lots of interesting animals whose spelling begins with the letter N. We’ve compiled a detailed list of these animals including mind-blowing facts, scientific names, and locations. We hope you will enjoy this article about Animals that Start with N.

Natal  Ghost Frog

These peculiar amphibians are a species of frog that belong to the family Heleophrynidae and genus Hadromophryne. They are commonly found in mountainous areas, grasslands, and rapid-flowing streams.

Naked Mole Rat

The Naked Mole Rat is true to its name – it has sparse hair with crimped and pallid skin.  They are commonly found in parts of East Africa. Fun Fact:  The Naked mole-rat can survive without oxygen for 18 minutes.


Small-sized amphibians exist and they are called newts. Newts are a distinctive member of the salamander family. Fun Fact: Newts can re-grow damaged limbs, eyes, and intestines.


The Newfoundland is a hardworking and talented guard dog. It took root from Newfoundland, a Canadian province, and hence bears its name. They were bred to rescue drowning fishermen from cold waters in and around Newfoundland.


Nematodes are parasitic microscopic organisms that are found virtually everywhere on earth. They are identified by their long tubular bodies and survive by living within or on other organisms.

Neptune’s Cup

Nematodes are parasitic microscopic organisms that are found virtually everywhere on earth. They are identified by their long tubular bodies and survive by living within or on other organisms.