By Josie  March 24th, 2023

Can Cats Eat

Boiled Eggs?

Let's answer this question to calm all feline-owners out there.

Let's take a closer look:

Eggs are a great snack packed with protein, but do you know if your cat can eat boiled eggs?

Granted they're peeled and cooked properly, boiled eggs offer cats a great source of nutrition.

Can Cats Eat Eggs?

However, there's some risks involved in feeding your cat boiled eggs.

Let's assess.

It’s important to pay attention if signs such as coughing, sneezing, or vomiting appear – they could be an indication of an allergic reaction!

#1 Allergies

Eggs contain high amounts of certain nutrients such as fat, cholesterol, and protein; too much of these can lead to obesity in cats.

#2 Oversupply of Nutrients

To reduce the risk of infection, it’s best to feed only pasteurized boiled eggs cooked thoroughly at a temperature greater than 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

#3 Risk of Salmonella

Make sure you break up pieces when feeding them as treats so they don’t pose a choking hazard for your cat.

#4 Choking Hazard

Nonetheless, there's still a mountain of benefits of boiled eggs!

Boiled eggs contain essential nutrients such as protein, fat, vitamins A, B complex, and D.

#1 Nutritional Benefits

Moreover, they are rich in important minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

Because they’re cooked (not raw), they’re much easier for cats to digest than a regular egg.

#2 Easily Digestible

Boiled eggs provide a balanced diet for cats when supplemented with other food sources, such as wet or dry food or fresh or frozen meat-based diets.

#3 Balanced Diet

Lastly, the fats in eggs are great for their coats, making it extra lustrous!

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Head to our website for more tips on how to feed your cat boiled eggs!