Elephants possess remarkable sense of smell, with nearly 2,000 genes dedicated to olfaction, surpassing other species.
Sharks rely on their exceptional sense of smell, with an olfactory bulb occupying two-thirds of their brain.
Bears possess a powerful sense of smell with thousands of receptors, capable of detecting food from afar.
Dogs, particularly bloodhounds, possess an extraordinary sense of smell, aiding in crime investigations and search operations.
Snakes use their enhanced sense of smell, including the Jacobson's organ, to detect scents in their environment.
Kiwis, with their specialized beaks and large olfactory bulbs, rely on their sense of smell to locate food.
Turkey vultures possess a strong sense of smell, aided by a large olfactory bulb and specialized cells.
Male silk moths possess remarkable scent-detecting antennae that can sense female pheromones from miles away.