The critically endangered Atlantic Halibut, the world's largest flatfish, faces population decline due to overfishing and slow growth, impacting their reproduction rate.
The globally prized Bluefin Tuna, renowned for its size, speed, and taste, faces severe population decline due to overfishing, leading to its classification as an endangered species.
The critically endangered Beluga Sturgeon, prized for its valuable roe and large size, faces severe population decline due to overfishing and habitat loss, leading to its classification as critically endangered.
Due to overfishing and their slow growth rate, the Orange Roughy, known for its extended lifespan, is listed as one of the most endangered fish
The Winter Skate, a diamond-shaped fish with distinctive features and habitat in the Northwest Atlantic, faces severe population decline due to overfishing, leading to its classification as an endangered species on the IUCN Red List.
Endangered due to overfishing, population declined by 60%, strict fishing bans imposed by IUCN.
Critically endangered Red Handfish faces habitat loss and population decline, listed on red lists by Australian government and IUCN.
The critically endangered European Eel faces population decline due to various threats such as pollution, overfishing, habitat degradation, and climate change, with its unique life development cycle adding to its survival challenges.