If It Weren’t For The Footage Nobody Would Have Believed Them

If It Weren’t For The Footage Nobody Would Have Believed Them

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A French Bulldog causes a house-wide flood, with its misadventure only coming to light thanks to video evidence!

A hilarious incident involving a French Bulldog named Lula has taken the internet by storm, causing fits of laughter across social media platforms

Lula, the dog, can be seen executing her hilarious mission, which involved maneuvering a hose pipe into her owner’s home

Seizing an opportunity provided by a conveniently left-open dog door, Lula skillfully brought the hose inside and embarked on a playful spree of water splashing

Initially, Lula’s escapade seemed relatively harmless, resulting in minor water spillage confined to a small area of the room. However, her mischievous spirit wasn’t satisfied with just a modest water display

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