The Goliath birdeater, scientifically known as Theraphosa blondi, is the biggest spider in the world
Despite its name, the birdeater doesn't actually feed on birds very often, but it is capable of preying on small birds.
The spider has a hairy body, mostly in dark and light brown hues, with two-inch-long fangs and two hairy projections called pedipalps.
Goliath birdeaters are found in swampy or marshy areas in rainforests, such as the Amazon, in countries like Suriname, Guyana, Brazil, and Venezuela.
The male spider has a lifespan of around 3-6 years, while the female can live up to 25 years.
The reproduction process involves moulting, finding a mate, depositing eggs, and hatching spiderlings
The spider uses defensive mechanisms like stridulation (hissing sounds) and releasing stinging hairs to deter potential threats.