Beluga Whales

Do you want to learn about the Beluga Whale? 

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Beluga whales grow up to 16 feet (4.8 m) long and weigh 3,150 pounds (1.4 metric tons) on average.

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Beluga whales can live up to 50 years old.

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Beluga whales are born dark grey and get lighter as they age, eventually becoming white once they’ve reached sexual maturity.

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Beluga whales live in Arctic waters and sometimes venture into freshwater rivers.

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Beluga whales can dive more than 3,280 feet (1,000 m) and stay under for up to 25 minutes at a time.

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Beluga whales shed their skin each summer by rubbing against coarse gravel.

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Beluga whales do not have fused neck vertebrae like other whales, which  allows them to move their heads up, down and side to side.

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Beluga whales have bulbous, flexible foreheads called “melons” that help them produce sound and make facial expressions.

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Beluga whales are often called the “canaries of the  sea” because they vocalize many different sounds, including clicks,  whistles, chirps and squeals.

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