Gorilla vs. Bison

Nothing is more thrilling for those interested in animal encounters than a gorilla vs. bison battle.

Grasslands and prairies of North America


African rainforests


Herbivorous, with a diet consisting of grasses, sedges, and other vegetation


Primarily herbivorous, with a diet consisting of fruits, leaves, and shoots


15-20 years

Average Lifespan

35-40 years

Average Lifespan

Lives in herds, with males and females forming separate groups for most of the year and coming together during mating season

Social behaviour

Lives in groups led by dominant males known as silverbacks, with females and young also part of the group

Social behaviour

1000-2200 pounds (450-1000 kg) for males; 800-1200 pounds (360-540 kg) for females

Average Weight

300-400 pounds (136-181 kg) for males; 150-250 pounds (68-113 kg) for females

Average Weight

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