The Oldest Lake in the United States

 by Linnea

March 20, 2023

Are you looking for the oldest lake in the united states?


Clear Lake

What is the oldest lake in the US called?



Clear Lake covers a geographic area of:

68 square miles

The lake sits on a huge rock and the sediments tested from the depth of the ocean made it clear that the age of the lake is at least

480,000 years old

The average depth of the lake is  27 feet  and the maximum depth of Clear Lake is approximately 60 feet

There are various kinds of aquatic life present in the lake. The popular aquatic animals found in this lake are bluegill, largemouth bass, crappie, catfish, and carp.

It is believed by the archeologists that this lake was occupied by the native Americans for almost 11,000 years

Clear Lake is a famous spot for water-based activities

Free boats are available at the lake for individuals to rent and use for personal water-based activities.

Various wild animals can be found in the area surrounding Clear Lake. Such as Mountain Lions, opossums, turkey vultures, ringtails, and red-tailed hawks

Other old and historical lakes around the world.

1. Lake Zysan 2. Lake Baikal 3.Lake Maracaibo 4. Lake Tanganyika

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