The peregrine falcon is the world's fastest bird and mammal, capable of reaching speeds over 300 km/h.
Golden eagles, the largest birds of prey in North America, reach speeds over 150 mph in their impressive dives.
Cheetahs, Africa's endangered cats, are the world's fastest land animals, capable of reaching speeds over 110 km/hr.
Sailfish, known for their schools and large sails, are considered the world's fastest fish, reaching speeds over 68 mph.
Swordfish, known for their long bills, are among the fastest fish, capable of reaching speeds up to 100 km/h.
The ostrich, unable to fly due to its weight, has adapted for speed with long legs, reaching up to 70 km/h.
Pronghorns, North America's fastest land mammal, reach speeds up to 60 mph and sustain it for longer distances.
Springboks display excitement by raising their white hair clump and can leap over 10 feet in the air.