By Josie  December 7th, 2023

Meet the Polar Bear Who Loves Snacking on Watermelon

Are you ready to meet Nora the polar bear who munches away on an unusual treat – a watermelon!

Although we’re not witnessing the huge bear hunting, we still get an accurate understanding of the sheer power of its paws as she crushes the watermelon like it’s nothing.

As apex predators, they mainly feed on seals, which they hunt using their incredible strength and stealth.

A Carnivorous Diet

As apex predators, they mainly feed on seals, which they hunt using their incredible strength and stealth.

Their diet is high in fat, essential for their survival, as this fat provides the necessary energy and insulation needed to thrive in the Arctic.

The Most Aggressive Teddy

Despite looking cuddly from afar, polar bears stand as the most aggressive and dangerous of all bear species.

Unlike their grizzly counterparts, polar bears are not just opportunistic predators; they are the only bear species to actively stalk humans as prey.

The video showcases Nora, a majestic polar bear, as she curiously investigates a watermelon placed in her enclosure.

Polar Bear Loves Snacking on Watermelon

An Anomoly

The consumption of fruits or vegetables, like the watermelon Nora enjoyed, is more of an anomaly than a dietary requirement.

While polar bears are carnivores, they have been known to eat vegetation when other food sources are scarce.

After all, their digestive system is primarily adapted for processing meat.

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